Manuscript Evaluation

A thorough read-through of your novel from beginning to end. This service will identify what's working, what's not working, and how future readers may view your work.

This is for the writer who has finished a draft and seeks editorial guidance going into revisions, the writer who isn’t ready for a full developmental edit, the writer who isn’t sure where to get started with professional edits, or the writer who has completed revisions, but still feels something isn’t quite right.

$0.015 per WORD (with a minimum of $450)

EFA Median Industry Rates - Developmental Fiction Editing - $0.030-$0.040

Payment plans are standard practice at KS Editing.

A manuscript evaluation follows the same process as a developmental edit, offering objective feedback on the big-picture elements without the expense or overwhelming detail.

Add a First 5k Pass for $175 more.

This service includes:

  • Two Read Throughs.

  • Editorial Letter. A detailed letter (5+ pages) that provides broad-stroke feedback on every element of your story, identifying what’s working and what’s not, as well as suggestions for how to strengthen and revise future drafts of your novel.

  • An Open Line to Me. Once all editing materials are returned to you, you have 15 days to ask me questions regarding your manuscript and editing feedback.

Marginal comments do not come with this service.