A First 5k Pass offers a thorough evaluation of your manuscript, combining developmental feedback and line editing. The focus is on improving your opening, hook, premise, characterization, and world-building. You'll also receive line-by-line edits to enhance your writing style and voice as needed.

This service is ideal for querying writers seeking feedback, new authors looking to refine their skills, and self-publishing writers determining their editing requirements before publication.

First 5k Pass

$300 Flat Rate

A first-chapter critique (up to 5,000 words) includes both developmental editing and line editing

Note: There is no sample edit process for the First 5k Pass due to the scope of work

The Deliverables:

An annotated copy of your first 5,000 words with:

  • Marginal comments with developmental feedback

  • Line edited with track changes

  • A short (1-2 page) cover letter summarizing strengths and weaknesses

  • Links to craft resources where applicable

  • Two read-throughs

  • Two passes (I’ll return the first pass for you to go over + leave comments/questions in the margins, then do a 2nd pass)

  • Nixie Bishop, Author, Germany

    “This was the second time working with Kourtney, the first time being a full developmental edit and the second being the First 5k Pass. Every detail of her feedback was necessary, well-placed, and benefited my story. She is thorough, thoughtful, and insightful. Having your work reviewed is sensitive, but she is very gentle with her constructive feedback and generous with her praise. It’s beyond helpful to have a second set of eyes review your work, especially the vital material you will submit to literary agents if traditional publishing is your goal. Kourtney has such a keen eye and a fresh view of fantasy. Her advice is invaluable, and I cannot recommend her highly enough!”