Developmental Editing
The most essential part of the editing process, developmental editing takes a magnifying glass to your manuscript. This service assesses the big picture elements of plot, theme, premise, character, tension, pacing, narrative POV, world-building, dialogue, and more.
This is for writers who are pursuing self-publishing, writers who have already been through the manuscript evaluation process, or newer writers interested in querying their manuscripts.
$0.030 per word
EFA Median Industry Rates - Developmental Fiction Editing - $0.030-$0.040
Payment plans are standard at KS Editing.
Add a First 5k Pass for $175 more.
This service includes:
Full Manuscript Edit
Your manuscript will be read through twice, offering objective feedback on plot, character, pacing, dialogue, world-building, and more. Feedback is given via heavy marginal comments.
Editorial Letter
Your editorial letter (15-40 pages) will give you in-depth feedback on strengths, weaknesses, and areas of revision and improvement. It will also include revision suggestions and further resources.
An Open Line to Me
Once all editing materials are returned, you have 30 days to ask me questions regarding your manuscript and editing feedback.
Due to the level of detail involved in a developmental edit, I only offer it for 1) completed manuscripts that 2) have gone through at least one round of revision using feedback from critique partners.
Book maps are an add-on service. Starting at $500.