Developmental Editing

The most essential part of the editing process, developmental editing takes a magnifying glass to your manuscript. This service assesses the big picture elements of plot, theme, premise, character, tension, pacing, narrative POV, world-building, dialogue, and more.

This is for writers who are pursuing self-publishing, writers who have already been through the manuscript evaluation process, or newer writers interested in querying their manuscripts.

$0.030 per word

EFA Median Industry Rates - Developmental Fiction Editing - $0.030-$0.040

Payment plans are standard at KS Editing.

Add a First 5k Pass for $175 more.

This service includes:

Full Manuscript Edit

Your manuscript will be read through twice, offering objective feedback on plot, character, pacing, dialogue, world-building, and more. Feedback is given via heavy marginal comments.

Editorial Letter

Your editorial letter (15-40 pages) will give you in-depth feedback on strengths, weaknesses, and areas of revision and improvement. It will also include revision suggestions and further resources.

An Open Line to Me

Once all editing materials are returned, you have 30 days to ask me questions regarding your manuscript and editing feedback.

Due to the level of detail involved in a developmental edit, I only offer it for 1) completed manuscripts that 2) have gone through at least one round of revision using feedback from critique partners.

Book maps are an add-on service. Starting at $500.

  • Katie Tomasko, Writer, USA

    Kourtney is the perfect editor—a well of precious developmental knowledge and a candid, engaging soul that reignited my own love for my manuscript. She provided me with essential tools for improving my story, things I didn’t even know I needed. On top of that, she’s a joy to interact with and I will most certainly bring her future projects!

  • Elwood Stevens, Author of Rusted Synapse

    As a first-time author, Kourtney was an absolute pleasure to work with. Always very prompt with communication and discussion. She worked tirelessly to ensure I felt comfortable with the entire editorial process. Kourtney was 100% dedicated to the project, but what surprised me most was how passionate she was about my book. The experience was well worth the price and my novel is better for it.

  • Kel Bruem - Author of the Unusualties Series, US

    Kourtney is not an editor who will simply tell you to "show not tell" or some other trite nonsense--she'll show you what plot point isn't clicking, what character needs more screen time, what scene could be longer/shorter, and then give suggestions and examples of solutions for the problem. She clearly spent a lot of time with my book and even read the first in the series to ensure she had a good grounding in my world before offering feedback. My editorial letter was 16 pages of feedback broken down into what worked, what didn't, and what I should consider in my next round of revisions. Her in-line comments on my manuscript were earnest and joyful, even when giving critique. I cannot recommend Kourtney enough!

  • Nixie Bishop, Author, Germany

    Words cannot express how encouraging, helpful, and professional Kourtney has been. She gave me more confidence in my writing ability and kindly offered honest, useful, and necessary feedback that transformed my novel from good to fantastic. It is a vulnerable thing to hand your work over to a stranger. Kourtney went out of her way to provide thoughtful feedback and resources for improving my craft while also highlighting my strengths as a writer. My favorite part of her developmental editing service was the Book Map, which allowed me to go through my novel beat by beat to see which scenes needed to be cut, which moments could be removed or lengthened, and how the pacing could be tightened up. I cannot recommend her highly enough, and I hope many more writers and aspiring authors have the opportunity to benefit from her expertise!

  • Jane Mortiff, Author, USA

    Kourtney went above and beyond with her developmental edit of my project. You can see from the quality of work that she is a seasoned veteran of the editing field. Her keen eye and devotion to being thorough gave me a bird’s eye view of the world I built and helped me tune my craft in the right direction. She gave me so much more than I was hoping for. I’m very glad I chose her for this project l. I would use her again!

  • Want to see more reviews?

  • Willow B. Dawes, Writer, USA

    Kourtney was an absolute delight to work with. As a first-time author, I was nervous about finding an editor I could trust with my book, while also helping me understand the new world I jumped into. Kourtney blew my expectations out of the water. She is detailed in everything she does and took the time to help teach me about multiple elements of writing and editing that I needed to learn.

    She has given me more confidence in my writing than I have ever had before and I’ll definitely work with her throughout the rest of my author career. I’m so grateful I got the opportunity to have her edit my book and if you’re looking for an editor who is as passionate, precise, and thoughtful with your book as she would be with her own, then she is the editor for you.

  • Layna James, Author, USA

    If you need someone to encourage your writing strengths while offering actionable steps for how to improve your manuscript, Kourtney is the Developmental Editor for you. She's detail oriented and has a keen eye for both the overall story structure and the small inaccuracies that can make or break your plot. Her suggestions keep your author voice intact while remaining true to the storyline. I would recommend KS Editing Services to anyone looking for developmental edits.

  • Stephanie Nielsen, Author, USA

    “Kourtney was everything I wanted in an editor and so much more. From my sample edit to the return of my full developmental edit, she was professional and answered all my questions along the way. I knew I had a weak spot in my plot, but I was struggling to find a clear path to address it. When she returned my manuscript, she identified my problem and offered solutions. I now have a clear path forward and feel renewed excitement for my story and everything in it.”