Preptober Step 3: Outline Your Heart Out
Discover how to turn your story idea into a working outline and 3 different ways to outline.
Preptober Step 2: Creating Memorable Characters
3 ways to create memorable fictional characters that stick with your readers for years.
Preptober Step 1: Finding A Story Idea
Let's get ready for NaNoWriMo by coming up with a story idea.
Understanding the Different POVs
Because picking a POV for your novel is one of the most important decisions to make.
What’s the deal with Dialogue Tags?
Is said dead? And how can we decipher what writing advice to take?
4 Ways My Tennis Career Prepared Me for Freelancing
Wanting to make the switch from one career to freelancing? Here are 4 lessons my tennis career taught me that prepared me for my freelancing career.
Show vs. Tell in Fiction Writing
Some of my best tips on showing more than telling in your novel.
How Telling Slips Into Your Character’s Interiority
Find out if you’re telling in your characters’ internal thoughts.
When and How to Hire a Developmental Editor
Looking to hire a developmental editor for your project? Learn about my services as well as how much a developmental editor costs, why and when you should hire a freelance book editor.
The Different Stages of Editing
Let’s go over the order of book editing and why they’re equally important.
Kill Your Darlings
Learn what a ‘darling’ is, how to kill it, and then how to bring it back from the dead to work for your narrative.
How to Handle an Editing Client Who Plagiarized
Learn how I handled a client who plagiarized their entire book.
10 Best Books for Fiction Authors
Looking for some guidance on the craft of writing? Here are my favorite books about the craft of writing as a freelance writer and editor!
How to Master Pacing in Fiction Writing
Pacing refers to the speed at which the action of the book takes place. It’s one of the most critical aspects of your story, and it takes practice to get it right.
What Is Head-Hopping?
Struggle to stay in one character’s viewpoint in a single scene? Find out why head-hopping is a thing and why it isn’t beneficial to your writing.